Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Winter Wishes

I've hit the Winter doldrums. Everything feels dry . . . my hair, my skin, my style - I'm ready to spice it up a bit, but every time I try, I find myself clamoring for the nearest pair of wool socks and a hooded sweatshirt. A funk some may call it, and I'm in the middle of one - a big one.

If you're feeling like me, here's a little inspiration for you.
Dream with me of warmer days when our skin will glow and our sun-bleached hair will fall effortlessly & perfectly across our faces.

Dream of warmer days when we will bare our legs & arms fearlessly, wear only one layer and slowly & casually sip our coffee.

Dream of warmer days when we'll once again prefer entertaining outdoors under the stars.

The New Year is here and warmer days are surely coming soon.

Until then - keep dreaming.

'Til Next Time!
xoxo Rachel

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl. Love this post. I so relate. Love the images. Inspiring. Come visit me sometime at Happy New Year!!!
